A series of half / full day workshops that integrates science into practical strategies to strengthen the mental health of employees. The duration of PowerWorkshop is minimum 3 hours, customized based on needs. The method of delivery can be through in-person sessions at the venue of your convenience or online live sessions.
The session lasts for a minimum of
3 hours and maximum of 1 day
We operate through ZOOM
or your preferred platform
For employees and
for managerial level
For Employees
Care Buddy:
Providing Support
In our increasingly volatile, uncertain, confusing and ambiguous world, our mental well-being affects our professional and personal life. When your team member is not performing, how do you know if it is due to motivation, behavioral or mental health issue? This workshop will address the myths and stigmas of mental health. Participants will be guided to recognize the symptoms relating to stress and differentiate them with motivational issues. Participants will learn strategies to identify, approach, and refer employees to get the best support.
Learning Outcomes:
For Leaders
Care Champion:
Being Empathetic Leaders
One of the most important and underrated qualities of a good leader is communication and empathy. A good leader is not only goal-driven but expresses concern for his/her team members during challenges and continue to motivate them. A key part of effective leadership is the use of empathetic listening, understanding and responding. This workshop is designed specifically to equip Leaders who have completed “Supporting your Peers” workshop with advanced skills of Preventing, Intervening team members in distress and Promoting psychological safety to improve mental well-being and build a supportive environment at work.
Learning Outcomes:
Our service menu is regularly updated. Feel free to reach out in order to get a more accurate list of the topics.
Here's a glimpse of how our workshops go.
Care Buddy: Providing Support
Research has shown that people who experience mental health symptoms often do not seek help and often suffer in silence. Productivity, engagement, and relationships at work and home are often affected in the process. The sooner effective coping strategies are implemented, the faster the person recovers.
A good leader is not only goal-driven but expresses concern for his/her team members during challenges and continues to motivate them. A key part of effective leadership is the use of empathetic listening, understanding and responding.
What others are saying about our online sessions
The session is thought provoking and help me realign in these trying times. I like the way you engage us by asking us to answer questions using the chat feature without us speaking. I like the breakout session too, it helped me get my key actions to focus on.
Shanley Phua
Founder & Head Tailor
Stitches & Co Tailor
I Love the session! The content shared is helpful and beneficial. The strategies presented are actionable. The breakout group was great! It allowed me to understand about other's industry and perspective. Overall it was a good session!
June Chen
Co-Founder | Chief Floral Designer
Floral Mikelle
I attended the session from iGROW this morning. I wanted to let you know that it's definitely one of the most interactive webinar sessions I've attended so far! Great insights and very useful - Thank you for making this happen.
Ho Wen Li
People Development Manager
Photobook Worldwide
The information was clearly thought out and communicated. Love the doodles! I love the engagement despite the virtual environment! Practical and relevant information. I had some ideas as I went through your session ! Well Done!
Han Sam, Lai
Women's Life Coach | Executive Coach | Management Consultant
Lifework Global
I love the session, despite being a virtual class, it really makes me think of new ideas and I realised I am not alone, everyone is going through similiar experiences during COVID and some are going through worst than me.
Gina Chan
Founder of SgFitFam | Advocate of Sustainable Fitness
Although it was a virtual session with other people, I have personally benefited from it and felt it was personal guidance. The key points on Pivoting, and Positive Mindset over situational conditions really helps! I will take action to get results!
Philip Wee
Head of 3D Design
3D Printing Hub Asia
We're here to help and answer any question you might have.
We look forward to hearing from you.